As a Coach Me client, we’ll identify your dating patterns, define what you’re looking for in a romantic partner, and clarify your dating and relationship goals to draw in the type of people you’re excited to meet.

Coach Me Process


Initial Conversation

Please start by filling out the confidential questionnaire form here. Then, we will schedule a complimentary 30-minute introductory call to get to know each other and understand your dating and relationship goals. 

Based on what I learn, we’ll discuss the best coaching package for you. See a sample list of coaching services below.


Goal Setting

We will have an in-depth conversation about your past dating experiences and pinpoint what’s in the way of finding the relationship you desire. 

Given the investment and commitment you’re making to yourself, the majority of our time will be spent making a plan to help you find the romantic connection you’re looking for.


Take Action

As you shift your mindset, gain insight into how your actions are perceived, and reframe your approach to dating, you’ll be able to show up with self-compassion, clarity, authenticity, and a newfound confidence.

I will be a reliable accountability partner and wingwoman as you execute this plan.

Sample Coaching Services

  • Access to my Preferred Partner referral network:

    • Photographer

    • Hair & Makeup

    • Personal Stylist

    • Personal Trainer

    • Career Coaching

    • Nutritionist

    • Marriage Family Therapist

  • Dating profile assessment

  • Digital dating profile refresh

  • Online dating strategy

  • Online dating jump-start

  • New profile photos

  • Hair & makeup for profile photos

  • Personal shopping

  • Dating concierge services