Lisa Ratner Matchmaking Coaching

I offer a personalized, all-in approach to help you find your person.


Ready for a matchmaking experience tailored to your unique preferences & relationship goals?

Look no further.


Interested in joining the date-a-base for a chance to match with one of our extraordinary clients?

Join today.


Looking to improve your online dating game or feel ready to dive back into the dating scene?

Let’s work together.

  • If I was still on the dating scene, I'd hire Lisa to help me find my person in a hot minute! She actively listens with an empathetic ear and imparts wise guidance and advice to keep you focused on your dating and relationship goals. Our time on this earth is limited, don’t waste another minute!

    — Ali H.

    People Leader, HR Professional Services, Mom of three

  • I've known Lisa professionally and personally for over 20 years and she's become a dear friend. I've always appreciated her collaborative approach to understand what makes people tick, earn their trust, and build strong relationships. She is a go-to thought partner for her friends and clients alike.

    — Dr. Michael B.

    Author, Founder, Executive Coach, Culture Change Expert

  • Lisa and I have been in the online dating trenches together and I've always appreciated her ability to empathically listen and provide practical advice, especially when it comes to relationship building. She has excellent coaching skills and her ability to focus on you and your life’s goals are both rare and outstanding. I highly recommend Lisa as a trusted partner. 

    — Sherin

    Social Change Maker, Founder, Master Gardener

Hi, I’m Lisa Ratner!

Based in the Greater Washington DC Metro area,* I partner with clients regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation who are extraordinary humans seeking a relationship-oriented partner to share life with.

I can’t wait to hear your story; together we can find your person!

*Don’t live in DC? I work with Coach Me clients based anywhere via video chat.